
To facilitate the biological research of tomorrow, we are developing fluorescence microscopy techniques that push the spatial and temporal resolution beyond the capabilities of current technology. 

We are developing optical instrumentation, data processing and sample preparation approaches to tackle this challenge on all frontiers. Through collaborations with our colleagues at Yale and other institutions, we apply our technology to answer a diverse set of biological questions. 

Our research group is part of the Department of Cell Biology at Yale University School of Medicine and is also affiliated with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, the Department of Physics, and the Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology.

As a diverse research group, we are committed to a safe and supportive work environment where the thoughts and ideas of all lab members are valued and freely shared. The unique perspectives that come from such diversity add to the strength of our lab. We actively welcome and encourage applications, enquiries, and collaborations from those often marginalized in STEM spaces, including gender minorities and members of the black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) community.