FLASH-PAINT paper published in Cell - Congrats Florian!

Our latest work on FLASH-PAINT was just published in Cell! FLASH-paint builds on DNA-PAINT and allows for fast and fluorogenic, highly multiplexed super-resolution imaging.
FLASH-PAINT uses Transient Adapters to mediate the interaction between imaging probes and target molecules, thereby allowing the recycling of the more costly imaging probes. To sequentially switch from imaging one molecular target species to the next, an eraser strand is introduced, which binds to the diffusing Transient Adapters, thereby preventing them from binding to the target molecules.

Nine different protein targets located at the Golgi complex, mitochondria, and the nucleus were imaged at super-resolution. n. Scale bars: 5um, 500nm.
We imaged nine immunolabeled targets in a U-2 OS cell in under 3 hours, including the time to switch between targets - we imaged one target each in nine subsequent rounds followed by imaging all targets together in a tenth round for spatial alignment. We achieved an average localization precision according to the NeNA30 metric of ~11.2 nm.
The yellow, red, and green subpanels zoom in on mitochondria (yellow box), parts of the Golgi complex and nuclear envelope (red box), and a nucleolus (green box), respectively. The yellow box subpanel zoom-in depicts a 50-nm-thick slice of the 3D dataset.